Impact of Self-esteem on Social behaviour and Relationships(Part-2)

Have you ever wondered how this low self-esteem impact your life triggering issues which forms a vicious circle?

We believe that most complicated issues starts with a small instigating event and also the solution lies sometimes in simple yet unidentified or unrealized.

Simple yet most effective ways to overcome Low self-esteem & Social Anxiety

“Things change around you only when things change inside you.” Start making small changes in the way you look at yourself to change the outlook of yourself which starts from self-acceptance and changing the way you talk to yourself. Replace the negative self-talk with positive self-talk.

"Careful with the words because they are the casting spells and hence in other ways we call words as spellings."
- Bruce Lee

Challenge your Inner voice:

Try to listen to what your inner voice tells or how it talks to you, observe the patterns, acknowledge good things about you and the abilities you have instead of constantly worrying about what you don't have. Appreciate the things you did right instead of blaming yourself for what has gone wrong. Practice positive self-love affirmations.

"Talk to yourself like you would to someone you love." - Brene Brown

Be compassionate:

Develop a habit of asking yourself what you need, how you want to be, what can be done to make yourself happy. Think, analyse and work on fulfilling your necessities and wishes, which improves your self-love and feeling of self-respect.

"The way you treat yourself sets the standards of how others treat you."

Be Optimistic and stay in present:

Don't cling to the past failures and fixate your mind to failures where you no longer live. One mistake or a failure can never decide your whole life. Don't overthink about the future expecting negative things to happen. Think about the best outcome and work with your full potential and think of positive and good things which increase hope and confidence.

"When things change inside you, things change around you."

Forgive Yourself:

Accept yourself for who you are and work on the things for the betterment instead of self-sabotaging. Understand that we are Humans and all humans have a tendency of making mistakes and that’s where they learn from. Accept the bad and good emotions equally yet don’t let the bad emotions sweep out your happiness and self-love.

"In order to love who you are, you cannot hate the experiences that shaped you. Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself."

Q/A's on mental health concerns, psychological issues & recommendations

*Note: the below given scenarios are only for the purpose awareness and educating. Not real cases or intended to pointing anyone in personal*

Person A: I get stressed over small things. I'm under confident & have social anxiety, fear of taking or having responsibilities I feel that my heart starts racing over every small things always feel low and exhausted.

Student Counsellor: It must be quite overwhelming when you are tied up with lots of work, just like how our phones hang up when we open a lot of tabs, similarly our brain does get stuck and hung up. It is important to close something which is taking a lots of energy from you the first

It is really very important to ground yourself (clam or settle down) before starting the above process. Below is one simple and easy method to ground and clam yourself using “Box Breathing”


(Repeat the cycle of above breathing technique until you feel better)